Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cool Way to Stay Alert - Your Personal Coffee Warmer

This happens to me all the time when there is a deadline to meet and the work seems endless. What I or anyone like me needs is a cup of coffee. I'm sure you also keep sipping it slowly as you work. But the worst part is that it gets cold. I hate to leave my work station to warm it as I lose concentration. But I only drink coffee when it is hot. Lukewarm coffee makes me sick and becomes tasteless.

I got myself a regular coffee warmer but couldn't find a spare socket near my desk. I still had to go around again to warm up my coffee.

I discovered a cool gadget to warm up my cup of coffee at without leaving my workstation. It's called a USB coffee warmer. You must have guessed how it works. All it needs is plugging in to your USB port and behold your coffee is warm and drinkable again.

It's pretty cool looking and handy. Its mat finish makes it look very presentable and the best thing is that it's very affordable.

Its plug n play and can be switched on and off at will. So next time when you are busy on a project or just playing all you need is coffee poured into your mug and you can reheat it whenever you want it done that too without getting up from your computer and without adding an extra plug in your wall socket.

Sounds cool? Yeah it is really cool and efficient and it looks great on your workstation. Probably it will become the envy of all the coffee lovers in your office who will keep getting up to reheat their coffees all day till they also get one. But then whose lead are they following?

Seen at:

Tom Clausen

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